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The font used is DejaVu Sans.
Critters in the Compost
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Discussion around the exhibition
Just as there are no “bad plants”, there are no “bad animals”.
They can cause an imbalance by being overcrowded, or even interfere with the use of the composter, but they have a purpose in nature.
They can also generate fears, but if they are present, it means that the environment (habitat + food) is favorable to their development.
The chemistry of compost
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Discussion around the exhibition
We talk about green waste for nitrogen and brown waste for carbon.
Organic waste is never purely carbon or nitrogen. However, in brown or green waste, there is a strong predominance of one of the two.
Green leaves have a carbon to nitrogen ratio of around 25 to 30, compared to 40 to 80 when dead.
A good carbon to nitrogen ratio is around 20 to 30 for compost. Which does not mean that you have to put in 20 to 30 times more ground material than organic waste, because it all depends on the chemical composition.
In practice, by mixing one to two parts of nitrogenous material for one part of carbonaceous materials, we avoid problems of C/N imbalance. [1]
The soil
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Discussion around the exhibition
The exhibition goes with the soil analysis (for the first 3 posters) and goes with gardening advice (In French for now) for the last 3.
From compost to humus
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Discussion around creature locations
Place each creature in its place(s). When does it come in, why do we find it there...
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Around the operation, rotation, manipulations...