Accueil > Resources to understand and act with the compost > Actors


lundi 2 mai 2022, par La graine

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [Français]

What are the roles around composting in shared composters or in establishments. Master composter, guide composter, referrer, contributor...

In France

In France, the PGprox (Prevention and Local Management) allows the training of actors in the field by training organizations.

Thus, one can train to become a guide composter or master composter

Guide composter

The guide composter knows and practices the ecological management of gardens and the domestic management of bio-waste.
It also identifies sources of compostable materials.

Master Composter

The master composter is a professional in the prevention and local management of bio-waste.
He is the technical referent on a territory. It ensures a dynamic around the composter by managing the operational implementation, but also by animating around it (awareness raising, knowledge sharing, etc.)

Training as a guide composter is a prerequisite for training as a master composter.

Waste project manager

It leads the prevention and management of waste in a territory. It focuses, among other things, on the prevention of bio-waste (actions against food waste, reduction of green waste) and on their management. [1]

Site referrer

It is convenient to have a site referrer, who :

  • supplies sawdust and water if necessary ;
  • ensures the quality of the transformation, plans the rotation and the distribution of the mature compost ;
  • checks that the permanences are well assured (in the case of setting up permanences)

He generally follows the guide composter training, but without obligation. [2]

Engagement charter

Here are the editable sources.

The word processing version (made on Libre Office).

Voluntary contributor

Without forgetting, all the people who make a voluntary contribution !
They were informed in advance of the instructions applied to the composting site.
In the case of setting up permanences held by people who make a voluntary contribution, they also take turns to be present.
They can participate in rotation, distributing the compost...

Engagement charter

Here are the editable sources.

The word processing version (made on Libre Office).


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