Accueil > Resources to understand and act with the compost > Feedbacks


lundi 2 mai 2022, par La graine

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [Français]

A few remarks and advice on problems that can be encountered in shared composting or composting in establishments.

Limit the number of people

Limiting the number of people with access (by means of a coded padlock on the bins) can have several interests :

  • To obtain the code, it will be necessary to contact members who will be able to send the instructions ;
  • The size of the composter makes it possible to manage a certain volume. Beyond its capacities, it will be necessary to think of making another composter. This avoids exceeding this capacity.

Do permanences

In addition to being a convivial moment of exchange, making permanence (even if only 1 hour per week), makes it possible to ensure good compliance with the sorting instructions.
We can also think together about the actions to come (distribution of soil, rotation to be done, maturation, use of another bin, etc.)


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