Accueil > Resources to understand and act with the compost > A problem ?

A problem ?

vendredi 29 avril 2022, par La graine

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [Français]

what to do in case of trouble ? Strong odors ? Too dry compost ? Non-compliance with sorting instructions ? What to put in place to avoid this ?

Strong odors

Add sawdust and mix it with the organic matter, it is effective immediately.

For an odor in the supply bucket, you can put sawdust in it, close the bucket and shake it, then put the sawdust from the bucket in the composter.

Compost too dry

Ideally, a compost is slightly moist. If white filaments appear, this is a sign that it is too dry.
You can water it moderately, with water (ideally rain) at room temperature.

Non-compliance with sorting instructions

You can set up a code padlock on the bins and / or hold information sessions.


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